Hi everyone,
I'm a wheelchair vanlifer-ish (as I drive a motability sprinter am only allowed to do so much).
I've got a youtube channel, Charity Vanman that is being used to raise funds for MS Trust, Scottish Autism and ECT and I have just driven the NC500 in 3 days.
Here's a link to the theme tune, please give it a quick look (and please please a like 👍)
I've built the van out myself bit by taking advice from great van lifers on youtube so I hope I you like the theme tune peops might also have a look at other vids...
Cheers chaps.
I must admit I love being out on the road and there's nothing like that nice warm cup or tea brewed in the van, I think there must be gypsy blood in my veins somewhere 😁
It doesn't matter if you don't live in your van fulltime, I don't and I don't think most people that own a van do, as nice as it would be.
Thank you. I haven't talked to any other wheelchair van lifers but I hope, if I can get the chanel up and running with interest I can bump into a few (pun intended).
I felt a bit unsure as to whether to contact anyone as technically I am not a full time van lifer with my project to raise funds for charity, in fact, Motability really own my van and they have rules forbidding people to live in the vehicles.
And so you should be! I just find it very inspirational, do you talk to any other wheelchair users that travel in a campervan?
(I sent you an email)
What a great conversion! Its got everything you need.
I take my hat off to you, you've done a cracking job there 😎
I wondered if anyone might be interested in the Grand Van Tour, parts 1&2? 😀
I'd love to know what your Aspergers friend makes of it too, I hope she finds it silly and fun, not patronising 🙂
Thank you Manon but I just copied most of my bits for the van from other van lifers, I bought the tools for it as I went along (over the two years in covid lockdown) And I am really pleased you like the video... I don't find it easy to film and edit so that's a lovely thing to hear 😊. (I think everyone worries that they've produced rubbish).
Wow, you are going to live in a van with your doggo, Gimli! That sounds fantastic, I always imagine that dogs will have a great time on the road, all the different smells etc... and people too of course 😁. You will have to come up here to Caithness, it is breathtaking in places! (Do you plan to?) Have you picked out a van yet?
That made me laugh, I don't know Rudy Bleau I'm afraid (what a cool name!) I'm actually from England and have only been up here since 2019, definatley a "12 hour drive from Toronto" in afraid. ( Canada used to be one of the places I always wanted to visit since a friend recommended the cross country rail ticket... but it seems a wee bit scarey these days). And... mon francaise est terrible.
Thank you Manon! I really appreciate your kindness (the first comment outside of friends on youtube too 😁). There's a couple of videos of me making the cupboard for the van and then there's this... the "moving on up from basecamp video" before starting the tour. I don't know what you'll make of it, I was going for the fun loving angle to include children (as one of the charities, Scottish Autism, runs a school for autistic children called The New Struan School)
Wow! you are INCREDIBLE! Keep us updated on your adventures. I will share your video immediately on my social media accounts.
What a great video, love it!
You did a cracking job on the van, looks very homely.
Hats off to you for raising money for such deserving charities, you should be very proud.
lets all do our best to get you plenty of new subscriber's on your YouTube channel.